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  Sky Calendar -- June 2009
3 Moon near Spica at 11h UT (evening sky).
5 Venus at greatest elongation, 46° west from Sun, at 21h UT (morning sky). Mag. -4.3.
Elongation (Wikipedia)
7 Moon very near Antares at 3h UT (midnight sky). Occultation visible from southern and eastern North America, northern South America, and NW Africa.
Occultation of Antares (IOTA)
7 Full Moon at 18:12 UT. The full Moon of June is called the Rose Moon, Flower Moon or Strawberry Moon.
Full Moon Names (Wikipedia)
10 Moon at apogee (farthest from Earth) at 16h UT (distance 405,787 km; angular size 29.5').
13 Mercury at greatest elongation, 24° west from Sun (morning sky) at 12h UT. Mag. +0.6, low in the NNE before sunrise. Venus and the Pleiades nearby.
Elongation (Wikipedia)
13 Moon near Jupiter at 15h UT (morning sky).
15 Last Quarter Moon at 22:14 UT.
19 Moon near Venus at 13h UT (morning sky). Mag -4.2.
20 Moon near the Pleaides at 18h UT (29° from Sun, morning sky).
The Pleiades (Wikipedia)
21 June solstice at 5:45 UT. The time when the Sun reaches the point farthest north of the celestial equator marking the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere.
June Solstice (Wikipedia)
21 Venus 2.0° SSE of Mars at 6h UT (45° from Sun, morning sky). Mags. -4.2 and +1.1.
22 Mercury 3.2° NNW of Aldebaran at 0h UT (21° from Sun, morning sky). Mags. -0.2 and +0.9.
22 New Moon at 19:35 UT. Start of lunation 1070.
Lunation Number (Wikipedia)
23 Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 11h UT (358,014 km; 33.4'). Only 15 hours after New Moon. High tides expected.
25 Moon near Beehive cluster (M44) at 4h UT (evening sky).
26 Moon near Regulus at 18h UT (evening sky).
27 Moon near Saturn at 21h UT (evening sky). Mag. +1.0.
29 First Quarter Moon at 11:28 UT.
All times Universal Time (UT). USA Eastern Summer Time = UT - 4 hours.

Clear skies till next month!

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